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An astrological synastry chart will tell us about the spiritual chemistry and the alchemical potential that exists between two people who established a friendship, family, romantic, or business relationship. By joining forces with others and intentionally mixing our energy fields, we create a "third entity" that has its own astrological characteristics.


The nature of this new energy can be explored through the superposition and fusion of the astrological birth charts of each of the members of the relationship. By understanding how those energies interact with each other by complementing, opposing, and reflecting on each other, we can access a compatibility guide that will allow you to better know and understand your partner and expand your self-knowledge based on what the other person reflects back to you. 


A synastry chart is an ideal tool to deepen the connection and learn about the strengths and weaknesses that each person brings to the relationship. It is also helpful to overcome difficulties and consciously work on those areas that require special attention to maintain harmony in the relationship.



Please keep in mind that we need to know the birth date, time, and place of both partners to calculate this chart
























investment: 260 usd

2 Hours session (approx.)


Photo by Unknown

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